

ご復活おめでとうございます !

Happy Easter! In Minamisoma COVID-19 seems to have calmed down these days, and Sunday Mass at Haramachi Church is now open to the public. For Holy Week and Easter Sunday we were happy to welcome our regular Sunday Mass attendees.

屋根を修理してくれるボランティアがいることの情報が十分に伝わっていないところもあり、 早速、新聞にチラシを入れると、依頼件数が増えたようです。ブロック塀が倒れているところの修理もボランティアがしています。毎日カリタスでの夕食の後、活動報告を聞かせていただいています。

At Caritas Minamisoma we have not received any volunteers yet, but because of the March 16th earthquake we decided to accept only those volunteers who could work to help repair roof tiles that were badly damaged. These volunteers are coming from different parts of Japan: Aichi, Shizuoka, Chiba, Ibaraki, Saitama, Kobe, etc. They know one another from working together in various places of disaster. This month the number of people for supper was usually 15-20.
According to the reports of their activities, many houses in Kashima area are really badly damaged. Not only the roof tiles, but the inside of the houses as well. All the chests of drawers, bookshelves, cupboards have fallen down and there is no space to walk. The volunteers first took out the books and whatever was scattered on the floor so that they can move about in the room. 
In some areas not everybody knew that there were volunteers to repair the roof tiles. The council of social welfare decided to insert a flyer to let people know of the presence of the volunteers to help them.
After supper at Caritas Minamisoma we have a sharing time. We learn many things about fixing roof tiles. Thanks to that, when we go out these days we often look up to see the roofs of the local people's houses.
As it often happens at the time of disaster, there are con men. They charge a very expensive amount to repair the roof tiles, which are then not done properly. The volunteers at Caritas Minamisoma has been warning the neighboring people. 

4月23日から25日まで、 この3月に退職された東京聖心の先生方二人が福島に来て下さいました。宿泊は南町の聖心会の家。半日はシスター畠中の車で現地案内。2日目は鹿島のボランティア活動に参加、3日目は朝食後、さゆり幼稚園のおにぎりとスープ作りに参加してから、東京に戻られました。
For the three days April 23-25 two teachers of Tokyo Sacred Heart, who retired this March, came to visit us at Haramachi. They participated in the volunteer activities with Mr. Fujino's group to repair the roof tiles. They also helped us make Onigiri and Soup for the Sayuri Kindergarten. 

Thanks to Sr. Hatanaka, they were able to go and see the disaster area of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
On the last day of their visit, there was a lovely mini concert at Caritas Minamisoma. So wonderful to see some members of the volunteers with music talents, including one of the teachers of Tokyo Sacred Heart: harp, guitar, harmonica, solo vocalist, and piano. Tonight we were 19 at the supper table.