日本での歩み Japan Province
1908- 日本での聖心会の歩み Japan Province

In 1908, four missionary sisters were sent to Japan from Australia. Then sisters coming from Ireland and Belgium joined them. Later, many sisters from Spain, New Zealand, USA, Germany, Malta, UK, Poland, China, Taiwan, Republic of Korea and the Philippines also came to take part in education in the midst of the changing era. Nearly 250 missionaries representing more than 20 countries have come to work in Japan.
日本から海外へ From Japan to other countries
「時代は変わります。ですから私たちも、それと共に変化していかなければなりません。」 と創立者はいわれました。創立者マグダレナ・ソフィアのカリスマを生きながら、現代のニーズに柔軟に対応すること。21世紀を迎えた今、国際ネットワークを利用して、特にアジア、太平洋地域(韓国、フィリピン、インドネシア、オーストラリア、アメリカなど)との交流を心がけています。
The Japan Province is pleased that it has been able to send Japanese sisters as missionaries to other countries. At present, we have Japanese sisters working across the world. Our foundress Saint Madeleine Sophie said "Times change, and we must change with them." As we live the charism we received from her, we need to be flexible to the needs of the present. In the 21st century, we use our international network and try to interact especially with Asia, and the Pacific region such as the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, USA and others.
These are our priorities:
- この世界に起こっている変革に気づき、捉え、それを分析し、それらを通して自分たちが回心されるよう、開かれていくこと。
Listening to and analyzing the changes in the world, ready to let ourselves be converted. - 神の愛を地の果てまでも伝えたいという熱意において、お互いを支え合うこと。
"If I had to go to the ends of the world..." Supporting one another in our enthusiasm for the mission.
- 異なる文化を歓迎すること、そしてそれらの文化によって問いかけれられるよう、私たちをそれらに向けて開いていくこと。(これは1994年および2000年の聖心会総会で特に強調されました。)
Welcoming different cultures and allowing ourselves to be questioned by them. (This was especially emphasized during the Chapter of 1994 and 2000.)
インドネシア / スペイン、マドリッド / アメリカ
Currently there are sisters from the Japan Province engaged in education and missionary work abroad. Those countries are Indonesia, Spain and USA.
