

− 聖週間、洗足式、復活、洗礼
今年の聖週間、ご復活は久しぶりに大勢の方が参加され、ともに喜びのうちに祝うことができました。洗礼式もあり、原町教会として嬉しいことでした。また、復活の日曜日のミサの後、コロナ後、久しぶりにカリタス南相馬でお茶を一緒にいただくこともできました。This year we had many people coming to the Easter Mass. Due to Covid-19 we have not had 'Washing of the Feet' for three years. This year we had. It was also a great joy for the Haramachi Catholic Church to have a baptism ceremony for one woman. Another joy was that we were able to have tea together at Caritas Minamisoma after Sunday Easter Mass.

−野馬追い通りの桜並木が見事でした。Cherry blossoms on the Nomaoi Dori (street) were gorgeous this year!
Thanks to the beautiful weather we enjoyed the cherry blossoms in so many places.

Ana, a volunteer from Mexico, has been enjoying her life in Minamisoma. She participated in making Onigiri for Sayuri Kindergarten children. She is a very good English teacher at Odaka English Conversation class, substituting for Sr. Egawa when she is not available.
She offered to do the first reading in Japanese at Mass at Haramachi Catholic Church.

We decided to continue supporting single parent families this year. We are distributing food that we received from many people. We are very grateful for all the support. 

>>「福島ミッション 南相馬の日々 Fukushima Mission」に戻る